2023 • The 101 Best Tech Life Hacks You Must Know Today

If your love for technology is as big as my love for deep-fried pickles, then you’ve clicked onto the right webpage, my friend.
  1. In an era where technology rules, knowing some nifty tech tricks and hacks can be a real game-changer.
  2. Whether you’re a silicon whiz who can code in binary while sleepwalking or someone who thinks that RAM is an overly enthusiastic sheep, welcome!
  3. This post is a one-stop-shop for some delightful tech hacks that can make your life more fruitful than a well-stocked fruit salad.

Did You Know? Did you know that the first text message, or SMS (Short Message Service), was sent by Neil Papworth in 1992? It read, “Merry Christmas.”

The Tech Life Hacks that will make you say ‘Why Didn’t I Know This Before?’

1. Keyboard ShortcutsSpeed & ConvenienceKeyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. It’s a universal tech hack that’s been around for ages but never loses its relevance. Mastering the art of commands like CTRL+C, CTRL+V, and CTRL+Z on Windows or Command+C, V, Z on Mac can drastically speed up your work and make your digital life much smoother.

2. Use a Password ManagerYour Digital Safe – Remember that feeling when you can’t remember the name of your first pet for your password? With countless apps and websites, managing unique passwords can be daunting. Password Managers securely store all your passwords, and some even generate random, secure passwords for you. No more ‘password123’ business, thank you very much.

3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Double Up Your Security – Online security is like a layer cake—the more layers, the harder it is for anyone to steal a bite. Enabling 2FA on your accounts adds an extra layer of security, protecting your personal information even if your password gets compromised.

4. Google Search OperatorsThe Secret to Effective Search – Need more refined search results? Master Google search operators. For instance, typing “site:wikipedia.org ‘Artificial Intelligence'” will return results about Artificial Intelligence from Wikipedia only. Talk about laser-focused searching!

5. Incognito/Private Mode – Surf with No Trace – Want to browse without leaving a history trail? Incognito or private mode is your clandestine ally, ensuring your searches and site visits remain a secret.

6. Night Mode Easy on the Eyes – Don’t want your eyes to turn into raisins? Staring at screens for prolonged periods can strain your eyes. Switching to night mode reduces blue light emission, providing comfort to your eyes, especially in low light conditions.

7. Digital Note-taking Never Miss a Thought – Do your brilliant ideas disappear faster than donuts at the office? Organize your thoughts, ideas, and to-do lists using digital note-taking apps like Evernote, OneNote, or Google Keep. Never let a good idea slip away again!

8. Cloud Storage Your Digital Warehouse – No more “out of storage” nightmares. Storing and sharing files is a breeze with cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox. It not only frees up local storage but also allows you to access your files from any device, anywhere.

9. Use a VPNBrowse with a Cloak – Concerned about online privacy? Using a VPN can shield your browsing activities, keeping your online identity safe from prying eyes. It’s the invisibility cloak Harry Potter wished he had.

10. Backup Your Data Regularly Stay Prepared – Losing data can be a nightmare. Regular backups to an external hard drive or cloud service can save you from potential digital catastrophe.

11. Automate Tasks Let the Bots Do the Work – Tired of routine tasks? Use automation services like IFTTT or Zapier to set triggers and actions across different apps and services. It’s like having personal digital assistants working 24/7!

12. Use Ad-Blockers Enjoy a Clutter-Free Web – Sick of annoying ads and pop-ups? Use ad-blockers to transform your browsing experience into a smooth, distraction-free ride.

13. Cleaning Apps Your Digital Broom – Your computer needs a shower too. Use apps like CCleaner to sweep away unwanted files and optimize your system for peak performance.

14. Data Compression Make Room for MoreCompress files to shrink their size without compromising the content. It’s like fitting a large pizza into a small box, making files easier to store or send.

15. Read-It-Later Services Your Personal Reading Queue – Stumbled upon a 10,000-word article on the history of socks? Apps like Pocket or Instapaper allow you to save interesting articles for later offline reading. Never lose track of that intriguing article again!

16. Shortcut for Locked Screen A Quick Digital Pause – Need to step away from your computer? Use “Windows+L” or “Control+Command+Q” on Mac to instantly lock your screen and protect your work.

17. Use Virtual Desktops Multitasking Made Easy – Juggle tasks like a pro. Manage and switch between multiple tasks or projects using virtual desktop features, turning your single screen into a multi-dimensional workspace.

18. Spam Filter Your Guardian against Junk – Drowning in a sea of junk emails? Configure your email service’s spam filters to keep unwanted emails at bay. Keep your inbox clean and relevant.

19. Dictation Tools Just Say It – Why type when you can speak? Give your fingers a break. Use dictation/speech-to-text tools for composing texts or making notes. It’s faster, ergonomic, and feels like you have your personal stenographer!

20. File Synchronization Keep Your Files Aligned – Services like Google Drive or Dropbox can synchronize your files across multiple devices, ensuring that your latest version of files are always at your fingertips. It’s like your personal file fairy.

21. Reset Your Router Regularly Reset Boosts Performance – This can solve a lot of Internet-related issues and enhance your Internet speed. Unplug it, count to ten (or just until you forget what number you were on), then plug it back in. It’s the tech version of a time out.

22. Digitize DocumentsAccess Documents Anywhere – Scan important documents with your phone using apps like Adobe Scan or CamScanner. Store these on cloud for easy access anywhere, anytime. Say goodbye to frantic searches for important papers.

23. Use an RSS ReaderConsolidate News & Updates – Are you a news junkie with dozens of tabs open on your browser? Get yourself an RSS reader! It gathers all the juicy stuff from your favorite websites in one place like a gossipy aunt at a family reunion.

24. Learn Basic CodingUnravel Magic – Remember magic spells from fairy tales? Coding is like that, but with more semicolons. Learning to code isn’t just for tech nerds. Even a smidge of coding knowledge can make you feel like Harry Potter in a world of Muggles. Websites like Codecademy make learning to code accessible and even enjoyable.

25. Use QR CodesFast Link Sharing – QR codes are a swift and effective way to share links, contact information, or Wi-Fi passwords. There are many free QR code generators and readers available online. Make QR codes your new best friend.

26. Screen RecordingEngaging & Easy – Whether you’re helping a friend troubleshoot a tech issue or demonstrating a process to a colleague, screen recording can be a lifesaver. Use built-in tools on your smartphone or computer to capture what’s happening on your screen. Now, you can finally prove to tech support that yes, the error DOES exist.

27. Clear Your CacheImprove Browser Performance – Much like your living space, your web browser needs regular cleaning. Clear your browser cache periodically to keep it running smoothly and enhance your web browsing experience.

28. Custom Search EnginesTime-Saving – Create custom search engines in your browser for sites you frequently visit, saving you time in typing out the URL or searching. To create a custom search engine, you need to provide the website URL and a keyword or shortcut for the search.

29. Turn off Push EmailsTame Distractions – Being bombarded by emails all the time? It’s not you, it’s them. Turn off push emails and check your inbox at your convenience. This simple hack can dramatically improve your focus and productivity.

30. Switch Off Unnecessary NotificationsMaximize Focus – Notifications are like mosquitoes – most of them just annoy you. By limiting these to only the most essential apps, you’ll find that your digital world becomes a lot less intrusive.

31. Use Dark ModeSoothing Eyes – Similar to Night Mode, Dark Mode can reduce eye strain and also save battery life. Plus, it adds an element of sleek sophistication to your digital environment.

32. Text ExpansionEfficient Typing – Use text expansion software to create keyboard shortcuts for phrases you type often. Frequently typing out the same phrases can be time-consuming and repetitive. Why not use a text expansion software to create keyboard shortcuts for these phrases? Your fingers will thank you.

33. Browser ExtensionsEnhances BrowsingBrowser extensions can supercharge your web browsing experience by adding extra features and capabilities. Whether it’s ad-blocking, password management, or saving recipes, there’s an extension for that, and the possibilities are endless.

34. Use a Second MonitorBetter Productivity – Can’t fit everything on one screen? Get a second monitor! A second monitor can significantly improve productivity by providing extra screen real estate. It’s like adding an extension to your digital workspace, letting you spread out and organize your tasks more efficiently.

35. Invest in a Good ChairPromote Healthy Posture – This is more of a health hack. One often-overlooked aspect of the digital lifestyle is health. If you’re sitting for extended periods, invest in an ergonomic chair. Remember, your back has to support you for a lifetime; a little cushioning won’t hurt.

36. Learn Regular ExpressionsPotent Text Manipulation – Regular Expressions, or RegEx, are a powerful tool for manipulating text and data. While they might seem a bit advanced initially, mastering them can save you a ton of time in the long run.

37. Batch Your WorkBetter Workflow Efficiency – Grouping similar tasks together can enhance focus and efficiency. Whether it’s email checking, meeting grouping, or something else, batching your work can do wonders for your productivity. Plus, it’s less messy.

38. Use the Pomodoro TechniqueEfficient Time Management – This time-management method involves working for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break, and repeating. It’s the high-intensity interval training of the work world. Just remember, the key is consistency.

39. Try Standing DesksFoster Health & Focus – Tired of sitting? Stand up… at your desk. Like an ergonomic chair, a standup desk can be beneficial for both your health and focus. It’s a great way to break the monotony of sitting and introduce some movement into your workday.

40. Hot CornersAgile and Intuitive – With hot corners or active screen corners, you can trigger certain actions just by moving your cursor to a corner of the screen. From locking your screen to starting a screensaver, hot corners can make your digital navigation a breeze.

41. Disable Startup ProgramsSupercharge Startup – Want to speed up your computer’s boot time? Disable unnecessary programs on startup. Speed up your computer by kicking some programs out of the startup party. Nobody needs Adobe Updater showing up uninvited.

42. Use Noise-Canceling HeadphonesInto Tranquility – Want to tune out the world? Get noise-canceling headphones. In noisy environments, these headphones can be your island of calm. They not only help you focus but also significantly improve your audio experience. They’re like the polite ‘Do not disturb’ sign for your ears.

43. Use a To-Do List AppStaying Organized – Fight forgetfulness with a to-do list app. Managing tasks and deadlines is a key part of being productive. A to-do list app like Todoist or Trello can be your digital assistant, helping you keep track of everything you need to do.

44. Master Touch TypingAccelerate TypingTouch typing is an efficient way to increase your typing speed and accuracy. As daunting as it may seem initially, several online resources can help you master this skill. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll see a significant improvement in your productivity.

45. Use Open-Source SoftwareSave Money – Why pay for software when you can have equally powerful alternatives for free? Open-source software like LibreOffice, GIMP, and Audacity provide a fantastic range of functionalities and are entirely free to use.

46. Automate Tasks on Your SmartphoneSimplifies Daily Life – Explore task automation options on your smartphones such as Tasker for Android or Shortcuts for iPhone. These automation apps can streamline your day-to-day activities, making life a bit easier. Everyone deserves a Jarvis in their life.

47. Encrypt Your DataEssential Protection – These days, you can’t trust anyone, not even your toaster. Protecting sensitive information has become essential. Encryption adds an extra layer of security to your data, and many devices come with built-in options for this.

48. Optimize Wi-Fi with Analyzer AppsImprove Signal Strength – Slow Internet is as frustrating as socks disappearing in the laundry. Wi-Fi analyzer apps can help identify less crowded channels, thus potentially enhancing your Internet speed.

49. Learn to use Command Line InterfaceAutomation & Troubleshooting – Familiarize yourself with the Command Line Interface (CLI) for automating tasks, managing files, and troubleshooting issues. It’s a powerful tool that might seem intimidating at first but can be incredibly handy once you learn it.

50. Clean Your Tech RegularlyProlong Device Life – Regular cleaning of your devices not only enhances their lifespan but also improves their performance. And let’s be honest, it’s about time those Dorito crumbs got evicted.

51. Use Voice AssistantsHands-free Multitasking – Use voice assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa to perform tasks hands-free. From setting reminders to controlling smart home devices, they can do it all. They’re basically your personal assistants without the awkward office parties.

52. Digitize Old DVDs and CDsFor Nostalgia Trips – Don’t let those classics rot away. Convert your old DVDs and CDs into digital formats for easier access and content preservation. It’s a great way to keep your cherished memories safe and accessible.

53. Organize Your Email InboxStreamline Mails – Emails piling up faster than laundry? Use folders and labels to manage your inbox better. It simplifies finding old emails and keeps your inbox neat and organized.

54. Turn Off Read ReceiptsPreserve Privacy – If you’d prefer not to have people know when you’ve read their message, you can usually turn this feature off in the settings of most messaging apps. Keep the suspense, just like in those romantic novels.

55. Use a Blue Light Filter during the DayProtect Eyes – Prolonged screen time can cause eye strain. Use a blue light filter during the day, especially under harsh lighting or if you’re sensitive to screen glare.

56. Adhere to the 3-2-1 Data RuleBackups are Paramount – The rule is simple. Have 3 total copies of your data, 2 of which are stored in different devices locally, and 1 stored offsite, like in the cloud.

57. Use Mobile Apps on Your ComputerSeamless Android Experience – With an emulator like BlueStacks, you can use your favorite Android apps on your PC or Mac. It’s like moving from a studio apartment to a penthouse.

58. Fort Knox Your NotesHeighten Privacy – For sensitive information, use a password-protected note in apps like OneNote or Evernote. This extra layer of protection ensures your private information remains private.

59. Use Cross-Platform AppsBe Device Fluid – Seamless transition between devices is not a myth. Cross-platform apps like Evernote or Google Drive let you switch between devices seamlessly, ensuring that you always have access to your data.

60. Try a Different Web BrowserBetter Options – Don’t settle for the first one you walk into, play the field. Browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari each have unique features and advantages that may improve your Internet experience.

61. Use Parental ControlsEasy Self-Restraint – Ever feel like you need an adultier adult in your life? Parental controls aren’t just for kids, you know. These tools can be beneficial for self-regulating your Internet or app usage, allowing you to focus on the tasks at hand and manage your online time effectively.

62. Set Data Limits on your SmartphoneSafeguard from Shocks – Nothing hurts more than a surprise data bill. Most smartphones let you set a limit on data usage, helping you prevent accidental excess usage. It’s a simple tool, but it can save you from unwanted surprises.

63. Customize Your News FeedTailored News – Customize your news feed and receive updates from your favorite sources on platforms such as Google News and even Facebook. Choose what makes you tick, not what the algorithm thinks you’d like.

64. Digitize Old Photos with Your PhoneRelive Precious Memories – With apps like Google’s PhotoScan, it’s easier than ever to convert those fading physical mementos into high-quality digital images. In just a few taps, your cherished moments are preserved in the digital world, ready for sharing, revisiting, and treasuring for generations to come.

65. Learn to Spot Phishing AttemptsDon’t Take the Bait – The Internet can be a dangerous place. Learn to spot suspicious emails or messages asking for personal information. Be wary of poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and always check the sender’s email address before providing any personal information. Remember, Prince Ali probably doesn’t need your help to access his fortune.

66. Check Your Social Media Privacy SettingsProtect Personal Data – Privacy is paramount in the digital age. Regularly review and update your social media privacy settings to control what information you’re sharing and who can see it.

67. Use Bookmark Folders in your BrowserStreamline Bookmarks – Do you find your bookmark bar cluttered with links? Bookmark folders are a great way to organize your bookmarks based on different projects or interests, making it easier for you to find what you need.

68. Master your Smartphone’s CameraLike a Pro – Unleash your inner Spielberg with your Smartphone camera. With advanced features like HDR, portrait mode, and manual settings, smartphone cameras have come a long way. By understanding and utilizing these features, you can elevate your photography game without needing a professional camera.

69. Use Google Scholar for Academic Search: – Reliable Academic Resource – Ditch those questionable sources and get your academic swag on with Google Scholar. Google Scholar is a reliable resource for finding scholarly articles and papers. It’s an excellent tool for students, researchers, and anyone who values thorough, academic information. Perfect for last-minute essays and outsmarting know-it-all friends.

70. Check your Digital FootprintTake Control – Ever wondered what information about you is public? Try searching your name in different search engines and review the information available. This can help you manage your online reputation and ensure you’re comfortable with what’s out there.

71. Use an Email Alias for Sign-UpsPrioritize Important Mails – Don’t let sign-up spams be the boss of your inbox. Create an email alias for sign-ups, so you can keep your primary email tidy, making it easier to spot and respond to important emails.

72. Set a Custom Ringtone for Important ContactsIt’s New Caller ID – Time spent checking unimportant calls can add up. Setting a custom ringtone for vital contacts helps you identify who’s calling without even looking at your phone, freeing up your attention for the things that matter.

73. Check for Email Data BreachesEmail Security – Cyber safety isn’t just for nerds in hoodies. It’s crucial to know if your email has been compromised in a data breach. Sites like ‘Have I Been Pwned‘ can help you ensure your personal information is secure, enabling you to take action if necessary.

74. Turn Off App Notifications at NightShut Off the Noise – Bedtime is for sleeping, not for responding to memes on your group chat. Using the ‘do not disturb‘ mode on your devices will silence notifications, letting you unwind without constant pings and buzzes.

75. Learn How to Speed ReadNot Just for Experts – The digital age often requires digesting vast amounts of information quickly. Learning to speed read through online courses and websites can significantly boost your information processing ability.

76. Keep Your Software Up to DateGet Safety and Features – With cyber threats on the rise, protecting your digital environment is crucial. Regular updates often include important security fixes that keep your data safe from potential attacks.

77. Use Software to Limit DistractionsOwn Personal Bouncer – It’s easy to get sidetracked online. Apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey can help you stay focused by blocking distracting websites or apps during your productive hours.

78. Try Out Different Operating SystemsDiscover New – Be the Columbus of Operating Systems. Don’t limit yourself to what you know. Try out different operating systems like Linux, Mac, or Windows. Each has its unique features and advantages—you might find a new favorite.

79. Learn How to Use Excel or Google SheetsData-driven Decisions – Data is the new gold, and knowing how to analyze it is a valuable skill. Excel and Google Sheets are incredibly powerful tools for data analysis and organization. Learn to use them effectively, and you’ll be a step ahead in the digital world.

80. Learn to Use ChatGPTImmeasurable Productivity Upturn – With the rapid advancements in AI technology, digital assistants like ChatGPT can revolutionize the way you work and learn. ChatGPT can answer queries, provide explanations, help you brainstorm ideas, or even draft emails. By learning to use such AI models effectively, you can streamline your tasks, enhance productivity, and stay ahead in the digital age.

81. Track Finances with Online ToolsFinance Autopilot – Managing finances can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Apps like Mint or Personal Capital can help you keep track of your finances, giving you a clearer picture of your financial health.

82. Set Up Automated Bill PayAvoid Penalties – Forget late payments and potential dings to your credit score. Automate your bill payments through your bank and enjoy the peace of mind knowing your bills are paid on time, every time.

83. Use Your Smartphone as a Remote ControlSuper Convenient – Control devices like Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV and even some computers with your smartphone. Most of these devices have companion apps that make this possible.

84. Learn a Few Photoshop BasicsBe Creatively Empowered – The saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” has never been more relevant in our visually driven digital age. Learning basic Photoshop skills can greatly enhance your presentations, social media posts, and overall digital communication. Numerous online tutorials are available for free that can help you navigate this powerful tool.

85. Set Goals in your Fitness TrackerPromote Healthier Lifestyles – A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Fitness trackers can be instrumental in setting and achieving your health goals. Whether it’s the number of daily steps, exercise regimes, or sleep patterns, making the most of these devices can positively impact your well-being. It’s like turning your life into a video game, but with actual sweat and benefits.

86. Harness Online Learning PlatformsNot Just for Pandemics – Lifelong learning is key in our rapidly changing world. Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer a vast array of courses on numerous topics, often for free or at a low cost. Harness these resources to constantly upskill and stay ahead in the digital curve. Your resume will thank you.

87. Get Familiar with Privacy LawsRulebook of the Internet – Privacy is a fundamental right in the digital world. Familiarizing yourself with data collection and privacy laws ensures you are aware of your rights and can act when they are infringed upon. Just remember, shouting “Objection!” in the middle of a Zoom call won’t make you a lawyer.

88. Set Up a Guest Wi-Fi NetworkMoat for Your Castle – When it comes to digital security, every layer counts. Setting up a guest Wi-Fi network keeps your primary network more secure when visitors ask to use your Internet, protecting your devices and sensitive information from potential threats. You wouldn’t let a stranger rummage through your drawers, so why let them do it to your Internet?

89. Use a Wireless Mouse and KeyboardCut the Cord – Comfort and flexibility are key for a productive workspace. Wireless mouse and keyboards can help create an uncluttered, comfortable environment that adapts to your needs, boosting productivity and ease of work.

90. Modify Autocorrect DictionaryHassle-free Texting – Sick of sending “duck” instead of…well, you know. Tired of autocorrect meddling with your texts? Adding your commonly used jargon and abbreviations to your phone’s dictionary can make text communication faster and less frustrating.

91. Leverage Offline MapsTravel Confidently – A lack of Internet access shouldn’t mean getting lost. Google Maps allows you to download maps for offline use, providing directions anytime, anywhere.

92. Try No-Code PlatformsNon-Coders Favorite – Dream of building an app but break into cold sweats at the sight of code? No-code platforms like Bubble or Adalo can bring your dreams to life, no coding experience required.

93. Follow the 20-20-20 RuleThe Eye Gym – Digital eye strain is a real concern. To safeguard your vision, follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It’s like a tiny workout routine for your eyes.

94. Explore PodcastsThe Knowledge Treasures – Diverse and engaging, podcasts offer a wealth of knowledge and entertainment. With podcasts available for nearly every interest, they are a wonderful way to learn or relax during downtime.

95. Try Augmented Reality (AR)Immersive Tech – The future is here, and it’s augmented. Many smartphones now offer AR capabilities, offering both fun and educational experiences that combine the digital and physical world. You can finally have a pet dinosaur or explore the galaxy from your living room. It’s like a funhouse mirror for reality.

96. Disable Microphone and Camera AccessAvoid Inadvertent Recordings – Not every app needs to hear or see you. By disabling microphone and camera access for unnecessary apps, you can prevent accidental recordings and protect your privacy.

97. Learn a New App Every WeekThe App Buffet – Broaden your digital horizons. Learning a new app every week can introduce you to tools that significantly improve your digital life and make you more tech-savvy.

98. Set Up AutoFill for Online FormsSimplify Forms – Reduce the torture of form filling. Utilize the AutoFill feature in your browser or password manager, speeding up the sign-up process for new services. It’s like having a digital secretary that knows you really well.

99. Extend Your Wi-Fi RangeAmplify Coverage – One room may boast lightning-fast speeds while another may be a frustrating dead zone. Use a Wi-Fi extender to improve Internet connection in rooms farther from your router.

100. Enable ‘Find My Device’The Digital Sherlock Holmes – Misplacing devices can be stressful. The ‘Find My Device‘ feature, available on both iOS and Android, helps locate your devices, offering peace of mind when you need it most.

101. Create a Smart HomeGenie in Your Living Room – Automate your home with devices like Google Home or Amazon Echo, which can control smart lights, locks, and more. A smart home brings convenience, energy efficiency, and even enhanced security. Just ask, and your home will answer.

From Tech Newbie to Convenient Pro

Well, folks, to sum it all up, these 100 best tech life hacks for life are like that extra dollop of whipped cream on your mocha frappe. They can zing up your ordinary, humdrum life, turning you into a techno-ninja faster than your Wi-Fi can disconnect.

Imagine a life where your gadgets do the boring stuff, and you, my friend, get to play the hero who saves the day (or at least your own precious time). From robotizing tedious tasks, to shoving that digital mess into virtual cupboards, to beefing up your cyber muscle, and discovering those snazzy secret features in your gadgets – these hacks are your cheat codes for the grand game of life.

In a world that changes quicker than a chameleon on a rainbow, knowing how to outsmart your smart devices is like the ultimate punchline in the cosmic joke called life.

Did You Know?

Did you know that the first wearable electronic device was a calculator watch, introduced by Pulsar in 1975? The device could perform basic arithmetic functions and display the time.

Author: Nik is an experienced author with 14 years in software and tech, holding an IT Engineering degree and a Data Science Master's from Liverpool University. Disclaimer: This website's content is created by humans and refined by AI for better grammar, flow, and clarity.