2023 • The Best Tips for Every TV Buyer

Remember the days when a TV was simply… a TV? Well, those times have changed!
  1. Alright, folks, buying a TV in today’s world feels a lot like dating – overwhelming choices, commitment phobia, and that all-too-familiar fear of ending up with the wrong one.
  2. But fear not, brave TV shopper! You’re about to embark on an epic journey to decode the mysteries of modern television.
  3. So, grab your popcorn, settle into your couch’s groove, and let’s navigate this wild world of pixels, panels, and streaming platforms together. After all, if Frodo can get the ring to Mordor, we can surely find you the perfect TV, right?

Did You Know? Did you know that binge-watching isn’t new? Even before the advent of streaming, TV marathons existed. Channels would occasionally air long stretches of popular shows, especially during holidays.

Before the Purchase: Essential Tips for Your Next TV

1. Understanding Your Space

Before we plunge deep into the technical marvels of the TV universe, let’s address the elephant (or should I say, TV?) in the room. Space! Not the outer kind, with stars and whatnot, but the space where you’re going to set up your brand-spanking-new television.

a. Room Size Matters: Think of your living room as a dance floor and your TV as your dance partner. You wouldn’t pick a partner so large they’d step on your toes or so tiny they’d disappear in the crowd, right? Your TV should dance seamlessly with your room—big enough to command attention but not so big it feels like you’re seated in the front row of a movie theater. And trust me, nobody likes a cricked neck from looking up at an overly massive screen.

b. The Goldilocks Viewing Distance: Not too close, not too far, but juuuust right. While cuddling up with your TV sounds cute, sitting too close might have you counting pixels, and no one’s got time for that. On the other hand, sitting too far can be a game of squint-and-guess with on-screen text. There’s a cozy middle ground where everything looks just right. Seek it out!

c. Lighting – The Good, The Bad, and The Glare-y: Got a window right behind your couch? That sunset might be romantic for date night but can be a downright villain when you’re trying to catch a scene on TV. Natural light is fantastic (hello, houseplants), but too much of it can cause glare, turning your favorite show into a guessing game. Think about where you’ll position your TV in relation to windows, lamps, and other light sources. And if you’re not planning on relocating to a cave anytime soon, consider screens with anti-glare technology or getting some good ol’ curtains or blinds.

d. Aesthetic Vibes: Beyond the technicalities, think about the vibe of your space. Is it minimalist and modern? Cozy and vintage? Boho-chic? Your TV setup, including its stand or wall mount, should harmonize with your room’s decor, not clash with it. After all, while the TV is the star of the show, you don’t want it upstaging the rest of your carefully curated decor.

And there we have it! The ins, outs, and in-betweens of understanding your space before a TV barges into it. Once your space is primed and ready, the TV world is your oyster. Dive right in!

2. Deciding on Resolution

Well, prepare to embark on a journey where we decipher what feels like a secret code – HD, UHD, 4K, 8K. I mean, are we shopping for a TV or prepping for a math test? Fear not, by the end of this, you’ll be fluent in “TV-ese.”

a. The Alphabet Soup of Resolution: Remember the old days when HD was the cool kid on the block? Well, meet the newer, hipper kids: Full HD, 4K, and 8K. Each offers more clarity and detail than the last. But just because 8K has the biggest number doesn’t mean you should run to the store, arms flailing, to get one. It’s a bit like buying a sports car in a town with only dirt roads – overkill.

b. Content is King: It’s one thing to own a fabulous 8K TV, but if all you’re watching is reruns of 90s sitcoms, it’s like using a telescope to read a book. Consider the kind of content readily available to you. There’s no point splurging on an 8K TV if the majority of your viewing is in 4K or lower resolution.

c. Big Screens, Big Differences: On a smaller TV, the difference between 1080p (Full HD) and 4K might be negligible to most eyes. But scale up to a cinema-sized beast, and those differences become more noticeable. So, if you’re dreaming big (screen-wise), think about upping that resolution too.

d. Streaming and Internet Speeds: Internet, the unsung hero behind our beloved streaming platforms. Opting for 4K? Ensure your Wi-Fi isn’t stuck in the Stone Age. High-res streaming demands faster speeds. Otherwise, you might end up binge-watching the buffering icon more than your favorite shows.

e. Cost – Because Wallets Have Feelings Too: With great resolution often comes a greater price tag. Are the extra pixels worth the extra pennies? Only you (and perhaps your significant other or budgeting app) can answer that.

f. Future-Proofing: Alright, let’s peek into the crystal ball. Buying a TV isn’t a yearly affair for most of us. While 4K content is abundant now, more 8K content is on the horizon. So, if you’re the type who likes being ahead of the curve, and your budget allows, it might be worth considering an investment in higher resolution.

In the pixel-packed world of TVs, resolution is just one piece of the puzzle, albeit a crucial one. By now, you should be feeling a tad more enlightened. So, adjust those glasses, muster a confident nod, and dive back into the TV shopping waters with newfound clarity!

3. Smart TV Features

Alright, fellow tech enthusiasts (or the utterly confused), welcome to the brave new world where TVs are smarter than some of our exes. Gone are the days when the ‘dumb tube’ just showcased moving pictures. Now, it plays music, browses the Internet, and might even brew your coffee soon (okay, maybe not that last one). Let’s break down this sci-fi dream.

a. TV Operating Systems – Because They Are Important: Much like your smartphone, smart TVs come with operating systems (OS). Whether it’s Google TV, Android TV, Tizen, Roku, or webOS, each offers a unique user experience, app store, and features. It’s not about which one is the ‘best’ but which one feels right for you. Remember your first smartphone? Kinda like that.

b. Connectivity – The More, The Merrier: Ever tried to plug in three devices and realized you’re one port short? Heartbreaking, I know. Check the number of HDMI ports, USB inputs, and other connectors. You might need them for gaming consoles, sound systems, or that old DVD player you swear you’ll use someday.

c. Voice Assistants – For the Lazy Days (Everyday?): Whether it’s Alexa, Google Assistant, or Bixby, voice controls are all the rage. Want to watch a movie but too lazy to reach for the remote? Just ask your TV! It’s like magic but without the wand.

d. Streaming and Apps – Bye-Bye, Cable?: Most smart TVs come loaded with popular streaming apps. Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime – they’re all here. Some also allow for easy downloading of new apps. It’s like having a mini-computer on your wall.

e. AirPlay & Casting – For the Show-offs: Want to flaunt those vacation pics or play a funny YouTube video from your phone? Some TVs allow you to cast or mirror content from mobile devices. Show off in style!

f. Updates & Longevity: A smart TV is only as good as its latest update. Brands that regularly update their OS ensure you get new features, security patches, and a smooth performance. Nobody wants a ‘smart’ TV that acts all dumb in a couple of years.

g. Integrated Browsers and Surfing: Want to quickly check a recipe or the weather forecast? Many smart TVs come with built-in browsers. Sure, it might not replace your laptop, but it’s a nifty feature for a quick browse.

h. Gaming Modes – Level Up!: For the gamers out there, some smart TVs come with a dedicated gaming mode, optimizing performance and reducing lag. Because nothing ruins “game night” like a two-second delay when you hit ‘jump’.

By now, you should be feeling a bit more…well, smart about smart TVs. It’s an exciting era with televisions doing more than ever before. So, put on your futuristic shades, channel your inner tech guru, and confidently stride into the world where TVs are not just for watching. Onwards to a smarter viewing experience!

4. Brand and Customer Support

Strap in, screen sleuths, because we’re diving into the glitzy world of TV display tech. It’s like Paris Fashion Week, but for screens! Do they strut down runways? Not really. But they do bring drama, style, and occasionally, a hefty price tag. Let’s break down the contestants in this visual extravaganza:

a. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) – The Stalwart Veteran: Ah, the LCD – the well-worn jeans of the TV world. Reliable, present everywhere, and it gets the job done. If you’re not into chasing the latest trends but still want a decent picture quality, LCD might be your jam.

b. LED (Light Emitting Diodes) – LCD’s Flashier Cousin: Technically, LED TVs are just LCD TVs with LED backlighting, but boy, do they love the limelight! They’re energy-efficient, offer better contrast, and come in a slim package. Think of it as the LCD after a summer glow-up.

c. OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) – The Diva of Displays: Now, here’s a showstopper! OLEDs produce their own light, meaning unparalleled contrast ratios, deep blacks, and vibrant colors. But like any diva, they can be a bit pricey. And yes, there’s chatter about screen burn-in, but treat them right, and they’ll shine for you.

d. QLED (Quantum Dot LED) – The New Kid with Sparkles: Introduced by Samsung, this tech uses quantum dots in conjunction with LED backlighting. Result? Brighter brights, better color accuracy, and dazzling visuals. A tad expensive, but then, what’s a fashion show without a little extravagance?

e. MicroLED – The Minimalist Maven: Think of MicroLED as OLED’s cool, aloof cousin – self-emissive, no burn-in issues, but still quite the investment. They’re like the haute couture of screens: not for everyone, but oh-so-stunning!

f. Plasma – The Vintage Pick: They were the talk of the town once, known for their excellent color accuracy and viewing angles. But like disco and bell-bottoms, they’ve faded out of mainstream fashion. Still, a nod to the classics!

g. Refresh Rates – The Unsung Heroes: Ever heard of “60Hz” or “120Hz”? That’s the refresh rate, folks. In layman’s terms, it’s how many times the screen refreshes the image per second. The higher, the smoother, especially for action scenes and sports. Nobody likes a blurry football, right?

h. Contrast & HDR – The Magic Behind the Drama: Contrast is about the difference between the darkest and lightest parts of the picture. And HDR (High Dynamic Range)? It’s like adding extra spice to the mix—more detail, brighter highlights, and a wider range of colors. More drama, less melodrama!

There you have it, a whirlwind tour of the TV catwalk. By now, you should have a sense of what each ‘model’ brings to the table. So, next time you’re in the store, you can nod wisely, impress with some jargon, and pick your screen style like a pro.

5. Sound Matters

Cue the drumroll! Or better yet, can you even hear that drumroll on your TV? Let’s face it, even if you have the crispest, most vibrant display on the block, if your TV sounds like it’s whispering secrets from the other side of a thick wall, you’re missing out. Welcome to the concert of TV audio – no earplugs required!

a. Built-in Speakers – The Opening Act: Most TVs come with their own band of built-in speakers. While they’ve gotten better over time, they’re often the equivalent of a garage band – good for a local gig, but not always stadium quality. Especially with ultra-slim designs, there’s just not enough room for those big, booming sound components.

b. Soundbars – The Rockstars: Enter the soundbar: the frontman of the TV audio world. Sleek, powerful, and versatile, they can elevate your auditory experience to concert levels. Whether it’s the thud of an explosion or the delicate chirp of a bird, a good soundbar ensures you don’t miss a beat.

c. Surround Sound – The Full Orchestra: For those seeking the symphonic experience of a cinema, a surround sound system is your multi-instrument ensemble. Speakers in front, behind, and sometimes above you create an immersive soundscape. Just remember to keep the volume in check unless you want to give your neighbors a free ticket to the show!

d. Dolby Atmos & DTS:X – The Maestros: These are like the magic conductors of the sound world, adding depth and height to the audio. Imagine hearing raindrops from above or a car zooming past from a specific direction. It’s less about volume and more about precision.

e. Bluetooth & Wireless Connections – No Strings Attached: Hate the sight of tangled wires? Many modern TVs and sound systems offer Bluetooth or wireless connectivity. Sync up your headphones for a private concert or connect to external speakers for a more spread-out jam session.

f. TV Position & Acoustics – Setting the Stage: Ever notice how sound changes when you move around a room? Where you place your TV and speakers can drastically affect sound quality. Hard surfaces reflect sound, while soft ones (like carpets and curtains) absorb it. Play around with positioning, and maybe even consider some acoustic tweaks if you’re feeling fancy!

g. Equalizer Settings – The Soundcheck: Just as every song has its own mix, every show or movie might sound better with a bit of tweaking. Dive into your TV’s sound settings. A little adjustment to bass or treble can make a world of difference. And for the brave-hearted, some TVs offer custom equalizer settings. Tailor away!

In the grand show that is your TV viewing experience, never let sound play second fiddle to visuals. It’s half the experience, and when tuned right, can strike all the right chords. So, dear audiophiles and everyday viewers, it’s time to give your ears the encore they deserve!

6. Budget and Brand

Buckle up, fellow shoppers, because we’re embarking on perhaps the most treacherous part of the TV-buying journey: The Land of Budgets and Brands. It’s a place where wallets tremble and brand loyalties are tested. But fear not! With a bit of savvy, we’ll find that golden TV that doesn’t have our bank accounts crying out in despair.

a. The Big B – Budget: Before you get starry-eyed over that mega-inch, ultra-sleek TV, take a deep breath and think of your budget. Ah, yes, the sobering reminder that money doesn’t grow on trees, and those trees certainly aren’t shaped like TVs. Determining a budget beforehand ensures you won’t get swayed by flashy features you might not need (or can afford).

b. Big Brands vs. Underdogs: The TV arena is filled with familiar gladiators like Samsung, LG, and Sony. These stalwarts have been in the game for years, and their reputation often precedes them. But don’t discount the lesser-known contenders. Brands like TCL, Hisense, or Vizio might not have the same brand cachet, but they often pack a punch without the premium price tag. Check out our ranking of the Top TV brands.

c. The ‘Brand Tax’: Sometimes, you’re paying a premium just for a logo. It’s true. Big brands often command higher prices because, well, they can. It’s like buying a designer t-shirt when a no-brand one might feel and look just as good. Ask yourself: Am I buying for quality or the logo?

d. Features vs. Frills: That ultra-mega-hyper refresh rate might sound cool, but do you really need it? Big brands sometimes add a ton of features (some would say gimmicks) that look good on paper but might not drastically change your viewing experience. Know the essentials and be wary of the frills.

e. Reviews and Recommendations – The Voice of the People: Before you pledge allegiance to a brand, be it a titan or a newbie, listen to the tales of fellow travelers. User reviews, expert critiques, and recommendations can provide a clearer picture (pun intended) of what you’re diving into.

f. Warranty & Service – The Safety Nets: Sometimes it’s not about the initial cost but the aftercare. Established brands often have wider service networks and robust warranties. If you’re saving a few bucks on a lesser-known brand, ensure they won’t leave you in the lurch if things go sideways.

g. Futureproofing vs. Fast Upgrading: Are you the type to buy a TV and hope it lasts a decade, or do you get the itch to upgrade every few years? Bigger brands often tout the longevity of their products, but if you’re someone who loves to have the latest and greatest, maybe you don’t need to invest as heavily right now.

Wandering through the aisles of Budget and Brand can feel a tad overwhelming, like being a kid in a candy store with limited pocket money. But with a clear head and a keen eye, you can score the perfect TV that marries quality with cost. To the perfect purchase!

7. Additional Features & Specifications

These might seem like minor players in the grand TV opera, but get to know them, and you’ll find they can add zest, zing, and a dash of “Whoa!” to your viewing experience.

a. Ports & Plugs – More than Just Holes: You’d be surprised how often people overlook this. Count those HDMI ports! Between your gaming console, Blu-ray player, sound system, and occasionally a rogue streaming stick, you’ll need them. Don’t forget other connectors like USB ports, which can be handy for playing media or even charging other devices.

b. Remote Control – The Magic Wand: Some are backlit, some have voice control, and some… well, seem to have a PhD in Complexity. Look for a remote that’s intuitive for you. Some brands even offer universal remotes that can control other devices, saving you from the dreaded Remote Avalanche every time you lift a couch cushion.

c. Energy Efficiency – Be Kind to Mother Earth (and Your Wallet): Those energy ratings on your TV aren’t just decorative stickers. A more energy-efficient TV can save you a few bucks on your electricity bill and is kinder to our planet. It’s a win-win!

d. Ambient Modes – Blend or Boast: Some of the latest TVs come with an ambient mode that allows the screen to display art, photos, or even mimic the wall behind it when not in use. It’s like your TV’s way of saying, “I can be fancy decor too!”

e. Parental Controls – Because Little Timmy Shouldn’t Watch Zombies: Got kids? Or just want to keep certain content off-limits? Dive into those parental control settings. They’re there to ensure no unexpected “life talks” after unsuitable shows.

f. Built-in DVR – Time Travel for TV Shows: Some TVs allow you to record live TV, pause, rewind, and more. It’s perfect for when life’s little interruptions come calling during your favorite show’s climax.

g. Wi-Fi vs. Ethernet – To Wire or Not to Wire: While most smart TVs come with Wi-Fi, an Ethernet port allows for a wired internet connection. It’s like the difference between taking the freeway and a scenic route; both get you there, but one might be faster and more reliable.

h. Gaming Mode – For the Button Mashers: Not just about picture quality, some TVs have modes that reduce input lag, making sure that when you dodge that in-game obstacle, the TV keeps up with your ninja reflexes.

i. Accessibility Features – Inclusivity Rocks: From voice guidance for the visually impaired to closed captioning for the hearing impaired, modern TVs cater to everyone. It’s heartwarming and essential.

Venturing into the land of additional features might feel like you’ve opened Pandora’s box, but remember: you’re in control. Decide which of these bells and whistles resonate with your needs. Before you know it, you’ll be lounging on your couch, new TV on the wall, and reveling in the perfect blend of visuals, sound, and those delightful little extras!

8. Reading Reviews and Doing Research

Think of this phase as the great TV expedition, where you’re like Indiana Jones but instead of searching for lost relics, you’re after that elusive “perfect TV.” Here’s how to embark on this adventurous journey without getting lost in the jungle of misinformation.

a. The Review Realm – Where Opinions Reign Supreme: Websites like CNET, TechRadar, and Consumer Reports are the bustling marketplaces of the review world. Here, experts dissect TVs with surgical precision, revealing their strengths and weaknesses. But remember, while expert reviews are valuable, they often come from a place of comparing the absolute best with the very best. Sometimes, imperfections they point out might not even be noticeable to the average Joe or Jane.

b. User Reviews – Tales from the Frontlines: Sites like Amazon, Best Buy, and other retailers feature raw, unfiltered opinions from folks who’ve shelled out their hard-earned cash. It’s like getting advice from a bunch of friendly neighbors. But a word of caution: for every genuine review, there could be a few outliers—those too enthusiastic or too disgruntled. Look for patterns and common themes in feedback.

c. Forums and Q&A – The Digital Roundtables: Websites like AVS Forum or Reddit have communities that live and breathe tech. Dive into discussions, ask questions, and you’ll often get detailed, passionate responses. Just remember, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole here.

d. Video Reviews – Seeing is Believing: Platforms like YouTube host a plethora of tech enthusiasts and experts showing off TV features, unboxings, and even live tests. The advantage? You get to see the TV in action. Look out for reviewers like Linus Tech Tips, Digital Trends, or Unbox Therapy.

e. Research Beyond the TV: Dive into the brand’s history, customer service reputation, and warranty policies. It’s like background-checking your TV’s family before you invite it to move in.

f. Beware of the Hype Train: Every year, brands come out with revolutionary, game-changing, ground-breaking (so many -ings) features. Some genuinely innovate, while others… well, let’s just say they master the art of marketing. Be skeptical. Do these features make a noticeable difference, or is it just a new buzzword for an old idea?

g. Demo in Stores – The Test Drive: Nothing beats the age-old method of walking into a store and seeing the TV for yourself. Online reviews might say the colors are vibrant, but your eyes might think otherwise. Trust your senses.

Embarking on the research journey might seem daunting, but think of the rewards—a TV that suits your needs, budget, and avoids buyer’s remorse. So don your explorer hat, crack that digital whip, and let the quest for TV knowledge begin!

Conclusion: Bringing It All Home – The TV Odyssey’s End

And so, dear readers, we’ve journeyed across the vast plains of TV technology, waded through the murky waters of specifications, climbed the dizzying peaks of features, and navigated the treacherous terrains of reviews. Whew! If this were an epic movie, you’d surely be the hero, with the credits rolling as you stand atop a mountain holding a TV remote aloft.

But, jokes aside, the quest for the perfect TV isn’t just about technology or budgets. It’s about finding that magical box (or super slim panel) that transforms blank walls into windows to new worlds. From the heart-pounding actions of thrillers to the tear-jerking moments of dramas, TVs are our portals to stories that move us, educate us, and sometimes, let us escape reality for just a bit.

Remember, in the great marketplace of TVs, knowledge is your sword and discernment, your shield. Don’t be swayed by the loudest jingles or the shiniest stickers. Tune into what you truly want and need. After all, this is an investment not just in a gadget, but in countless hours of entertainment, bonding, and even a few epic gaming battles.

As you stand at the checkout, cart (virtual or real) loaded with your chosen TV, take a moment to pat yourself on the back. The TV odyssey is a challenging one, filled with temptations and jargon galore. But armed with research and clarity, you’ve emerged victorious.

Here’s to cozy movie nights, exhilarating sports matches, binge-worthy series, and yes, even those guilty pleasure reality shows. Cheers to finding your screen soulmate and may your viewing always be bright, colorful, and absolutely spectacular!

Did You Know?

Did you know old CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) televisions contained about 4-5 lbs of lead? This was to shield viewers from radiation. Thankfully, modern TVs use safer technologies.

Author: Nik is an experienced author with 14 years in software and tech, holding an IT Engineering degree and a Data Science Master's from Liverpool University. Disclaimer: This website's content is created by humans and refined by AI for better grammar, flow, and clarity.