2023 • Best Free Astrology & Horoscope Software for Windows

Discover yourself, enhance relationships, and navigate life’s twists with astrological wisdom.
  1. Astrology is a unique and ancient approach to understanding the self.
  2. Dating back to the very origins of human beings, this celestial art has been used as a guide for man’s earthly affairs for centuries.
  3. And not much has changed over time as we still turn to astrology to catch a glimpse of the future and get answers to a lot of our life questions.

Did You Know? Did you know that the fascinating world of astrology has its origins in ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China? The Babylonians, around 2000 BCE, played a crucial role in shaping the foundations of Western astrology, unveiling the intricate celestial connections that continue to captivate people’s imaginations to this day.

Unravel the Future: The Top Free Astrology and Horoscope Software for Windows PCs in 2023

How We Tested? We evaluated each free astrology software for its accuracy, reliability, functionality, and ease of use on our test system running Windows 10. We then obtained data from trusted sources to calculate eScores and thus, bring you these free full version astrology software for Windows to download.

OS Compatibility – Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7.


  • It is expected that one should have basic knowledge of astrology to efficiently use these computer astrology software.
  • You will need to enter details like name, date and time of birth, gender, location, and some more such information for the software to compute and present results. The results are usually given in the form of charts and tables.
  • Although some of the below-listed software has an inbuilt interpreter to give you predictions, it is recommended to use your knowledge to interpret the illustrations.

1. Jagannatha Hora – Vedic Astrology & Horoscope Software

Jagannath Hora
94% eScore

Jagannath Hora or JHora is a comprehensive Vedic/Indian astrology software to easily make astrological computations. It is extremely popular among astrologers around the world.

Matchless: It is matchless in terms of its range of calculations offered, technical depth, level of customization, and ease of use.

World-Class: It is designed by the world-famous astrologer P.V.R. Narasimha Rao who has an engineering degree from IIT and a master’s from Rice University, USA. He is also a Sanskrit scholar and has authored various books and research articles.

Swiss Ephemeris: Jagannatha Hora uses the popular ‘Swiss Ephemeris’ as the planetary calculation engine. Swiss Ephemeris is the data of the latest positions of all planetary objects given directly by NASA. It ensures optimum accuracy in the charts made by this software.

Large Atlas: Its built-in atlas contains longitudes and latitudes of hundreds of thousands of places across the world. The dates from 5400 BC to 5400 AD can be used to create charts.

Different Panchangams: JHora provides various information like dashas, transits, chakras, tithis, mundane, and more. It has different panchangams and can provide auspicious dates for various rituals and works.

Matching People: It has a fascinating feature to directly match two people to check their compatibility. You get the ability to choose the calendar and Ayanamsa of choice.

Customizable: There are lots of customizable options and user preferences in the software, but all of them come with the recommended default values. Beginners need not bother about them, but advanced users can experiment.

Requires Astro Basics: It doesn’t give predictions and requires basic astrological knowledge to read charts. Also, JHora is completely Vedic oriented, and you cannot obtain a western-style chart from it.


2. PlanetDance – Western Astrology Software

92% eScore

Planetdance is a light-weight yet surprisingly powerful free astrology program for Windows PC. It comes inbuilt with all the essential features for you to quickly perform astrological calculations.

Powerful Software: Planetdance is developed by Jean Cremers, who has been a computer programmer for three decades now. He has a vast knowledge of western astrology.

Feature-rich: It calculates planets, radix, transit, various progression types, returns, composites, harmonics, heliocentric, dwad, etc. Charts are displayed using a choice of eleven house systems, and all the planets are shown clearly. Further, Planetdance features fixed stars, rulers and dispositors, midpoint tree, parallax, dignities, aspect patterns, Arabics, etc.

Swiss Ephemeris: The latest version has an automatic timezone atlas for the entire world and uses the Swiss Ephemeris for making accurate charts.

Straightforward Interpretations: If you do not have much understanding in reading charts, you can quickly read out interpretations given by the software.

Check Compatibility: It allows you to check compatibility between two persons. Planetdance is available in multiple languages like English, Dutch, French, German, Polish, etc.

Highly Customizable: It is immensely customizable. You can use the settings to change pretty much everything. Interestingly, Planetdance also has lots of functions for classic, medieval, and Vedic astrology.


3. What Watch – Western Astrology Software

What Watch
87% eScore

What Watch is a powerful freeware tool that covers many areas and techniques of astrology. Of late, many astrology enthusiasts across the globe have been using it.

Swiss Ephemeris: What Watch performs all its calculations using the Swiss Ephemeris engine. So the chart accuracy is guaranteed.

Intuitive: It sports a clean and intuitive graphical user interface, providing quick access to the relevant information. It draws and prints chart wheels, including synastry and composite, draws tables of essential dignities, calculates element and quality balances.

Harmonic Aspectarian: What Watch allows analyzing birth aspects using a ‘harmonic aspectarian,’ which is a unique blend of approaches to get a comprehensive view.

Detailed Analysis: Midpoints are an integral part of What Watch. The features for the timing of transits, progressions, and solar arcs allow a very detailed analysis of what’s going on in life. The program creates ephemeris lists for any given combination of planets providing dates of the transit itself, of stations, and of sign changes.

Time Zone Conversion: What Watch has a built-in atlas and time zone conversion. It considers and computes even for the minor planets and dwarf stars.

Includes Tutorials: One can make use of the hotkeys defined for various functions. It also has tutorials, in case you are not able to figure out how to use it.

Printouts: You can save a natal chart with complete information entered or even take a printout. Some features are missing in comparison with other professional astrology software.


4. Astrolog – Western Astrology Software

83% eScore

Astrolog is an open-source astrology and horoscope software program that has been freely available online for the past few decades. It was created by Walter Pullen and is considered to rival commercial programs in terms of quality.

Horoscopes & Charts: It can create horoscopes, natal charts, and calculate current planetary positions in sidereal, traditional, and heliocentric formats. It can be used to relate the astrological house and sign dispositors and other nonstandard systems.

22 House Systems: Astrolog uses 22 different house systems, can calculate 18 different aspects such as trines, squares, semisquares, and rarer ones such as biquintiles, quatronoviles, and sesquiquadrates.

Animate Charts: The free astrology software computes the traditional planets, along with minor planetary objects. It can show nearly 50 fixed stars and animate the chart in real-time.

Large Atlas: It contains an atlas with thousands of places to provide coordinates, time zone, and daylight saving time detection.

Draw Freely: Astrolog also allows you to draw freely across the interface to make things more understandable. The software is updated regularly, and any bugs that would occur are fixed at the earliest.

Complex: Honestly, the software is a bit complex for a layman. The user interface needs a modern overhaul.


5. KPStarOne – KP System Astrology & Horoscope Software

KPStarOne Free Full Version Download
79% eScore

KPStarOne is an advanced astrology software that follows the Krishnamurti Paddhati system. While it’s very similar to Vedic astrology, it also borrows some Western astrology techniques.

Swiss Ephemeris: It uses Swiss Ephemeris for precision calculation of planetary and cuspal elements.

WYSIWYG: It is probably the only astrology program based on WYSIWYG technology. That is, What You See Is What You Get on the printer.

Accurate: It offers highly accurate comprehensive KP Ephemeris with sub-level changes in time, Panchang components, and charts for the moment. Users get a choice of various Ayanamsa, including the very popular KPNA.

World Atlas: It comes loaded with a database of latitude, longitude, altitude, and time zone of thousands of places across the world.

Many Features: Major features include 4 step significators, house rotations, TSP or theory of short prediction, natal and transit ruling planets. Further, it has a very accurate Advance Event Finder. It provides VarshPhala Charts, Tithi Pravesh Charts, and more.

User-Friendly: This free astrology and horoscope software now has a new and clean interface that is pretty user-friendly. It requires free registration and activation for continuous use.


6. ZET Lite – Western Astrology Software

ZET Lite 9
77% eScore

ZET is a handy astrology program for the professional astrologer, a practical resource for astronomy students, and an excellent training tool for beginners.

Packed with Tools: It comes packed with dozens of tools you can use to predict future life trends or events. It provides natal charts, aspect grid, transits, sandhi table, galaxies, bindhu table, nebulae, constellation, star catalog, Arabic parts, etc.

Different Astrology Types: It supports several branches of astrology, namely Western modern, European traditional, Uranian, Indian (Jyotish), and others

Compare Two Partners: ZET allows you to consider any two partners’ synastry in a romantic relationship. You can get extended computer-generated interpretations, which is very useful.

Customizable: The UI enables you to switch between various views. Further, you can customize the display of each element shown in the UI. You can store all the calculations and interpretations into the program database. Also, you can quickly recall previously created charts from the history list.

Interesting Oracle: A noteworthy function is the Oracle, which allows you to find a quick answer to a question that may be haunting you.

Horary Wizard: The Horary Wizard function allows you to get an answer based on the astral significations of the querent as well as the question. The paid version of ZET has better features.


7. Astro-Vision LifeSign Mini – Vedic & Western Astrology Software

LifeSign Mini Free Horoscope Software
76% eScore

LifeSign Mini is a simple and user-friendly horoscope generating software based on the Vedic and western astrology systems, providing you with individual predictions.

Precise: The tool provides precise horoscope reports with various aspects of life, career, marriage, wealth, and more. Its transit predictions based on the movement of the planets is pretty accurate.

Ayanamsa Choice: It has four Ayanamsa options, including the Lahiri Ayanamsa, Krishnamurthy Ayanamsa, Raman Ayanamsa and Thirukanitham Ayanamsa.

Panchangam: It gives Panchangam predictions based on weekday, nakshatra, thithi, karana, and nithya yoga.

Horoscope Matching: Lifesign Mini includes a horoscope matching feature, specially meant for marriages. It checks the compatibility and shows matching results based on the star/milan, kuja dosha / manglik dosha, papa samyam, and dasa sandhi.

Shows Yogas: It can generate an Ashtakavarga chart. It shows the transit of Jupiter through various houses and their effects on life. The tool features Dasha & Apahara periods and their predictions. Also has Bhava predictions and finds out various Yogas.

For All: You can generate any number of horoscope reports for you and your dear ones. It requires an active Internet connection and has advertisements. Well, some features are limited in this free version.


More Interesting Astrology Software for the Curious..

Astrocalc – It brings astrology for everyone. Easy to use, covers most traditional astrological calculations from natal charts to transits, progressions, returns, midpoints, synastry, etc.

Junior Jyotish – Want a quick calculator of Vedic charts? Get Junior Jyotish for Windows PC. It is a beginner’s astrology program using the basic principles of the classical Parashara system.

Morinus – It is a light-weight and multi-platform astrology software built upon the Swiss Ephemeris system. It has a simplistic user interface but is meant for experienced astrologers.

Maitreya – Maitreya is a mature open-source software for Vedic and western astrology. This freeware astrology program has many standard features for the daily work of western and Vedic astrologers.

mPanchang – It allows you to quickly check your daily and monthly Panchang. It also provides Kundli, Kundli Matching, daily horoscope (monthly & yearly as well), Hindu calendar, and much more.

StarLove – StarLove is a sweet little tool to check compatibility for lovers and friends. It compares the birth charts of two people and indicates the easy and challenged areas in their relationship. The prediction engine claims around 80% accuracy.

Head Numerologist – Well, a popular numerology software for Windows you can freely download. It reveals your lucky days, dates, colors, and gemstones. It forecasts various aspects of life like nature & personality, health, love, profession & career, etc.

What the Future Holds..?

When you think about astrology, you might think about future tellers, psychics, and mainly all types of imposters, but astrology in itself is a science.

It involves complicated mathematical calculations based on the astrological positions of various planets and stars at that given point in time.

Before the advent of computers, astrologers calculated huge numbers and other data for hours and maybe even days to get the right kind of prediction. Today, these tiresome calculations can be processed with a click of a button.

The above-listed astrology and horoscope software are trusted and used worldwide by thousands of people in the same profession. The software algorithms are based on original astrological texts and formulas that have been well preserved for centuries.

Use the one that suits your style, and do let us know your opinion on the same.

Did You Know?

Did you know that Pythagoras, the renowned Greek mathematician, believed in the significant impact of the planets’ and stars’ movements on human destiny? He also utilized astrology to foresee the future and provide guidance to his disciples

Author: Nik is an experienced author with 14 years in software and tech, holding an IT Engineering degree and a Data Science Master's from Liverpool University. Disclaimer: This website's content is created by humans and refined by AI for better grammar, flow, and clarity.

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