2023 • The 50+ Best TV Tips and Tricks for Every TV Owner

Why just watch when you can WOW? Elevate your TV game!.
  1. Once upon a time, TVs were as straightforward as a potato. Now, they’re more like a Swiss army knife that’s been to space.
  2. Are you only using your TV to watch reruns? Honey, you’re missing out.
  3. Let’s transform you into the Gandalf of TV with these top tips and tricks! Onwards..

Did You Know? Did you know that the average lifespan of a modern LED TV is around 80,000 hours? Imagine all the series you could binge in that time!


1. Orientation: When you’re setting up your TV, make sure it’s at eye level. A common mistake is mounting the TV too high, like over a fireplace, which can cause neck strain over time. The center of the screen should be roughly at eye level when you’re seated in your usual viewing spot.

2. Distance: The distance between you and your TV depends on its size and the resolution. As a rule of thumb, your seating should be 1.5 to 2.5 times the screen size for the best experience. So, if you have a 60-inch TV, aim for a seating distance of 90 to 150 inches.

3. Cable Management: A tangle of cables is not only unsightly but also a potential tripping hazard. Consider using cable clips or ties to keep your wires neat and out of sight. You could also look into a cable cover that matches your wall color for an even more seamless look.

4. Power Protection: Power surges can severely damage your TV. Always plug your TV and other electronics into a surge protector. This not only keeps your cords organized but also helps protect your devices from power surges that could cause them to malfunction.

5. Sound Bar Placement: A sound bar can enhance the audio quality of your TV significantly. If you’re using one, it’s best to place it just below the TV for the best audio experience. Make sure it’s centered with the TV and not obstructing the screen or IR sensor.

6. Room Lighting: Where you place your TV in relation to windows and light sources can affect the visibility of the screen. Avoid placing your TV directly opposite bright sources of light, such as windows, to reduce screen glare. Using blinds or curtains can also help control natural light.

7. Wall Mounting: If you’re mounting your TV on the wall, ensure it’s securely fastened. Use a stud finder to locate wall studs and secure the mount to these, not just the drywall. If this seems daunting, don’t hesitate to hire a professional.

8. Connecting Devices: If you’re connecting other devices such as a gaming console, Blu-ray player, or sound system, make sure you have the necessary cables and ports. HDMI cables provide the best audio and video quality. Be sure to check which input corresponds to each device for easier navigation later.

9. Initial Setup: When turning on your TV for the first time, it’ll likely start an initial setup process. This will involve selecting a language, setting up Wi-Fi (if it’s a smart TV), tuning channels (if you’re using an antenna or cable), and more. Take your time to go through these settings carefully.

10. TV Stand: If you’re not wall-mounting your TV, you’ll need a sturdy TV stand. Ensure the stand is wide and sturdy enough to safely hold your TV. Also, the stand height should be such that the TV screen is at eye level when you’re seated.

Remember, the initial setup of your TV can greatly influence your viewing experience. So, take the time to do it right!

II. Viewing Experience

1. Picture Settings: When you first start up your TV, the default picture settings might not be perfect. Experiment with the brightness, contrast, color, and sharpness to find what’s pleasing to your eye. Remember, what works best often depends on your room’s lighting and your personal preferences.

2. Aspect Ratio: Your TV’s aspect ratio should match the content you’re watching. For instance, most modern shows and movies are shot in 16:9, but older shows might be in 4:3. If the aspect ratio doesn’t match, your image may appear stretched or have black bars on the sides.

3. Calibration Tools: For the best picture quality, consider using calibration tools. These may come in the form of a DVD or Blu-ray, or you could hire a professional. Calibration can optimize your brightness, contrast, color, and more for the best possible image.

4. Night Mode: Many TVs have a night mode or low-light mode that reduces the brightness and contrast for a more comfortable viewing experience in a dark room. This can also help reduce eye strain if you’re having a late-night binge session.

5. Motion Smoothing: TVs often come with a feature known as motion smoothing or motion interpolation, designed to reduce blur in fast-moving scenes. However, this can make movies look unnatural, often referred to as the ‘soap opera effect’. Consider turning this feature off when watching cinematic content.

6. Game Mode: If you’re into gaming, check if your TV has a game mode. Activating it can reduce input lag, making your video games feel more responsive. This feature may compromise on image quality slightly, but the improved gaming experience often makes up for it.

7. Closed Captions: Subtitles or closed captions can come in handy, especially if you’re watching a show with complex dialogues or accents. It’s also a useful feature if you need to keep the volume low and don’t want to miss out on any dialogues.

8. Sound Settings: Just like the picture settings, it’s worth diving into the sound settings on your TV too. Some TVs offer sound modes (like movie, music, or speech) that optimize the audio quality based on what you’re watching. If you have a soundbar or home theater system, make sure to adjust the TV settings accordingly for the best sound quality.

9. Viewing Mode: Many TVs come with different viewing modes like Standard, Dynamic, Movie/Cinema, or Custom. These preset modes adjust the brightness, contrast, color, and more to suit different viewing situations. Try them out and see which one you prefer. You might find that ‘Movie’ or ‘Cinema’ mode is often the most natural-looking.

10. 3D Settings: If your TV supports 3D, remember to adjust the settings to suit your preference and wear the 3D glasses correctly. Some people may experience discomfort while watching 3D content, so be sure to take breaks regularly.

The viewing experience on your TV can be greatly enhanced by taking the time to understand and adjust these settings. Each TV is different, so don’t be afraid to play around until you find what works best for you.

III. Accessibility

1. Voice Command: Many modern TVs come with voice command functionality, allowing you to control the TV using your voice. This is a great feature if you have difficulty navigating the menu using the remote. This could involve changing channels, adjusting volume, searching for shows, and more.

2. Screen Magnification: For viewers who have vision impairments, using the screen magnification or zoom feature can help. This enlarges the picture on the screen, making it easier to see details.

3. Audio Description: This is a feature designed for visually impaired viewers. When activated, it provides additional narration that describes what is happening on the screen during natural pauses in the audio.

4. Shortcut Keys: Familiarize yourself with the shortcut keys on your remote. They can give you quick access to commonly used features like the guide, recorded shows, on-demand content, and more. This can make your navigation much faster and simpler.

5. Parental Controls: If you have young children in the house, parental controls are a must. They allow you to block content based on ratings and set viewing limits. Some TVs even have the option to lock specific channels or apps, creating a safer viewing environment for your kids.

6. Easy-to-Read Menus: Some TVs have an option to switch to high-contrast, large-text menus, making it easier to read for individuals with visual impairments. This can be a very useful feature to ensure a more user-friendly experience.

7. Customizable Captions: Alongside enabling captions, some TVs also allow you to customize the appearance of captions including the font, size, color, and background. This can help enhance readability based on your preferences or needs.

8. Tactile Remote: For those who find it hard to see the buttons on the remote, you could consider a tactile remote. These remotes have raised buttons with different shapes, making it easier to navigate by touch.

9. Audio Output: If you have a hearing aid or cochlear implant, check if your TV has an audio output that can connect directly to your device. This could provide a clearer and more personalized sound for you.

10. Learning Remote Layout: Spend some time learning the layout of your remote control. Knowing where the most used buttons are by heart can make it easier for you to change settings without having to look down every time.

11. Keyboard and Mouse Support: If navigating through your TV with a remote control is difficult, check if it supports external keyboards and mice (wired or wireless). This can offer a much more intuitive navigation method for some users.

Remember, everyone should be able to enjoy a relaxing TV time, so make sure to use these accessibility features if you or a family member needs them.

IV. Smart TV Features

1. Wi-Fi Connection: Most modern TVs are “smart,” meaning they can connect to the Internet. Make sure your TV is connected to your Wi-Fi network to take advantage of all its smart features, like streaming services and web browsing.

2. App Updates: Just like a smartphone, your smart TV has apps that need to be kept up to date. Regularly updating your apps will provide you with the latest features and ensure they’re secure. This usually happens automatically, but it’s worth checking in your TV’s settings.

3. Screen Mirroring: This feature lets you display your smartphone or tablet’s screen on your TV, perfect for sharing photos or videos with friends and family. To use screen mirroring, both your TV and your device need to be on the same Wi-Fi network.

4. Streaming Services: Most smart TVs come with built-in apps for popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, and more. You simply need to log into your account on each service to start watching.

5. Bluetooth Connection: Many smart TVs have built-in Bluetooth, allowing you to connect wireless headphones for private listening or Bluetooth speakers for enhanced sound. This can be particularly useful if you want to watch TV without disturbing others.

6. Smart Home Integration: If you have a smart home system like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, or Apple HomeKit, you can usually connect your TV to it. This allows you to control your TV with voice commands, like changing the volume, switching channels, or even turning the TV off.

7. USB Ports: Most smart TVs have USB ports that allow you to play media files directly from a USB stick or external hard drive. This is a handy way to view your personal photos or home videos on the big screen.

8. Internet Browsing: Many smart TVs come with a built-in web browser. While it’s not as smooth as browsing on a computer or smartphone, it can be useful for quick searches or casual browsing.

9. DVR Functionality: Some smart TVs allow you to record live TV shows and movies directly onto a connected hard drive, turning your TV into a DVR. This is perfect if you want to save your favorite show or movie to watch later.

10. Gaming Apps: Beyond just watching shows and movies, many smart TVs also offer gaming apps. These range from simple games that you can play with your remote to more complex games that require additional controllers.

11. Social Media Integration: Some smart TVs let you log into your social media accounts so you can browse your feeds on a bigger screen. This can be great for sharing content or watching trending videos.

Smart TVs offer a wealth of features that can transform your TV watching experience. Take the time to explore these features and see how they can enhance your enjoyment.

V. Maintenance

1. Regular Cleaning: Dust and fingerprints can accumulate on your TV screen over time, so it’s a good idea to clean it regularly. Always use a soft, dry cloth to avoid scratching the screen, and never apply pressure to the screen while cleaning.

2. Proper Ventilation: TVs generate heat during operation, and they need proper ventilation to cool down. Ensure your TV has space on all sides for air circulation. Don’t place it in a closed cabinet without ventilation, as this could cause it to overheat and malfunction.

3. Screen Care: Never use harsh cleaning products or abrasive cloths on your TV screen. Instead, use a solution specifically designed for electronics or a simple mix of mild dish soap and water. Spray the solution onto a soft cloth, not directly onto the screen, to prevent any liquid from entering the TV.

4. Power Saving: If you’re not using the TV, turn it off. This not only helps save energy but also prolongs the lifespan of your TV. Many modern TVs also have power-saving modes that can automatically turn the TV off after a certain period of inactivity.

5. Firmware Updates: Your TV’s firmware should be updated regularly. These updates can fix bugs, add new features, and improve performance. Check the TV manufacturer’s website or your TV settings for information on how to update the firmware.

6. Pixel Care: If your TV uses OLED or plasma technology, be aware of the risk of screen burn-in. Avoid displaying static images on your screen for extended periods, and use features like screen savers or pixel shift technologies if your TV has them.

7. Wall Mounting Safety: If your TV is wall-mounted, check the mount periodically to ensure it’s still secure. Over time, mounts can loosen, so regular checks can help prevent accidents.

8. Battery Care: Change the batteries in your remote control as soon as they run out. Leaving dead batteries in the remote for an extended period can lead to leakage, which can damage the remote.

9. Professional Help: If you’re experiencing major technical issues with your TV, it’s often best to consult a professional rather than attempting to fix it yourself. Unauthorized repairs can void your warranty and potentially cause more damage.

10. Warranty: Keep your warranty card and receipts safe. If something goes wrong with your TV within the warranty period, you’ll need these documents for repairs or replacements.

11. Recycling: If you’re getting rid of an old TV, recycle it responsibly. Many parts of a TV can be recycled or reused, so check with your local waste disposal facility or a consumer electronics retailer to see if they offer recycling services.

12. Correct Power Off: Always turn off your TV using its power button or the remote, not by unplugging it abruptly. Unplugging the TV while it’s still on can cause electrical damage over time.

13. Safe Transport: If you need to move your TV, ensure it’s secure and kept upright. Laying a flat-screen TV on its side can cause damage.

14. Storage for Remote: Designate a safe place for your TV remote to prevent loss or damage. Avoid leaving it on the couch or somewhere it can easily fall and get damaged.

15. Protection Plan: Consider purchasing an extended warranty or protection plan for your TV. This can give you peace of mind, particularly for high-end models.

16. Avoid Overcrowding: Be careful not to place too many objects around your TV, particularly in front of it. This can interfere with the IR sensor on your TV, making it difficult for the remote to work.

17. Avoiding Magnets: Keep magnets away from your TV. Strong magnetic fields can cause permanent color distortions in your TV screen.

18. Using Sleep Timer: If you’re prone to falling asleep with the TV on, use the sleep timer feature. You can set it to automatically turn off after a specific period, saving energy and screen life.

19. Understanding Error Codes: Occasionally, your TV might display error codes. Familiarize yourself with what the common ones mean, or keep a guide handy. This can help troubleshoot problems faster.

20. Manual Reading: It may seem boring, but reading through your TV’s user manual can provide you with helpful maintenance tips specific to your model. The manual will cover everything from setup to troubleshooting, helping you get the most out of your TV.

21. Surge Protector Maintenance: Check your surge protector periodically. Over time, they can wear out and stop providing effective protection against power surges.

22. Appropriate Audio Settings: Just like the screen, the speakers need maintenance. Regularly adjust your TV’s audio settings based on the content and your room’s acoustics for optimal sound quality.

23. Temperature Control: Avoid placing your TV near heat sources, like radiators or windows with direct sunlight, which can cause overheating and potentially damage the device. Similarly, avoid overly cold environments as extreme temperatures can affect performance.

24. Backup Settings: If your TV allows it, backup your settings to an external drive or cloud. This can be very useful if a software update resets your preferences or if you need to do a factory reset for troubleshooting.

25. Avoiding Stickers and Tape: Avoid sticking anything to the screen. The adhesive can leave a residue that’s hard to remove and can even damage the screen. If you need to label inputs, place the labels on the cables or ports, not the screen.

26. Antenna Care: If you use an antenna with your TV, make sure it’s correctly positioned for optimal signal reception. Regularly check the antenna and its cables for any signs of damage and replace them as necessary.

Regular maintenance not only helps prolong the life of your TV but also ensures a consistently good viewing experience. Remember, prevention is often better (and cheaper) than a cure when it comes to electronics.

The Ultimate TV Checklist: Tips, Tweaks, and More for the Modern Viewer

So, dear reader, we’ve journeyed through the vast savannah of TV knowledge, dodging those pesky tech hyenas and scaling the mountain of remote mysteries. As we reach the summit, it’s clear: your TV is not just a pretty face. It’s like that quiet kid in school who suddenly reveals they can juggle, speak five languages, and play the bagpipes.

Now, armed with these 50 glorious tricks, you’re not just ready to watch TV, you’re ready to conquer it! Will your television salute you every morning? Probably not. Will it offer you a secret handshake? Hmm, unlikely. But will you share a newfound bond of understanding and mutual respect? Absolutely.

Before we part, remember this ancient TV watcher’s proverb: “With great power comes an even greater urge to show off at dinner parties.” Go forth, flaunt your newfound TV wizardry, and always, always, keep the remote close – it’s a jungle out there!

Here’s to fewer “where’s that darn remote” moments and more “check out what I can make my TV do” triumphs! Cheers to your next binge-watching session being the best one yet.

Did You Know?

Did you know that multiple inventors across the world, including Philo Farnsworth and John Logie Baird, played significant roles in the creation of the television as we know it today?

Author: Nik is an experienced author with 14 years in software and tech, holding an IT Engineering degree and a Data Science Master's from Liverpool University. Disclaimer: This website's content is created by humans and refined by AI for better grammar, flow, and clarity.